December 22, 2024

Gift Bearing Huggy Bear Cookies

gift bearing,sugar cookies,cookies,cranberry,almond,cashew,recipe,holding cranberry,holding,christmas cookie, nut hugging

Just in time for this merry season, we present our latest Christmas cookie, our Gift Bearing Huggy Bear Cookies!  This is one of the slew of Christmas cookies we've made this year and my little girl and I think it's the cutiest of the lot!  Little animal cookies bearing wee gifts in their arms are too cool for school, doncha think dear readers?

gift bearing,sugar cookies,cookies,cranberry,almond,cashew,recipe,holding cranberry,holding,christmas cookie, nut hugging

This cookie adventure started with a special cookie cutter that we found in our neighborhood dollar shop.  (We love dollar shops!)  These cute little animal cookie cutters have extra long arms, long enough to wrap around a wee 'gift.'  OMgosh so super cute, amirite?

What gifts might a cookie like this hold, you ask?  Anything that can be baked with the cookie can be used.  It could be a nut like an almond or a cashew, a dried fruit or even an M&M.  It could even be a smaller cookie!  

The long arms allow the cookie to hold onto a 'gift' as it bakes.  You can use any cookie cutter you like as long as it has long arms or a tail or something that can wrap around a 'gift'.  Click to get your own adorable long armed cookie cutters.

You can see in the photo that one of our cookie cutters is a huggy bunny while the other is a huggy bear.  Sorry, the li'l bear is upside down in the photo, didn't notice at the time, lol.  Poor huggy bear :(

gift bearing,sugar cookies,cookies,cranberry,almond,cashew,recipe,holding cranberry,holding,christmas cookie, nut hugging

We used our usual sugar cookie recipe that we use every year for our decorated Xmas cookies.  We love this recipe because it bakes up beautifully, keeping its shape well which is most important for cutout cookies.  Once the dough is made we roll it out and use our long armed cookie cutters to punch out our cookies.

gift bearing,sugar cookies,cookies,cranberry,almond,cashew,recipe,holding cranberry,holding,christmas cookie, nut hugging

Here is a shot of the dried cranberries we used as the 'gifts'.  Usually these gift bearing sugar cookies hold nuts like almonds and cashews.  Which are wonderful and tasty gifts for huggy bears and huggy bunnies to bear. 

However we thought that a softer option might be nice, so we opted to have our cookies holding dried cranberries, just the right size for the cookies to hold.  A lovely cheerful red as well!  Plus we found that the tartness of the cranberry was the perfect complement to the sugar cookie!

gift bearing,sugar cookies,cookies,cranberry,almond,cashew,recipe,holding cranberry,holding,christmas cookie, nut hugging

Our cutout cookies are placed on a baking tray.  Cranberries are placed on each cookie.  

gift bearing,sugar cookies,cookies,cranberry,almond,cashew,recipe,holding cranberry,holding,christmas cookie, nut hugging

The arms of the cookies are now gently wrapped around the 'gifts' or cranberries.  Omgosh, you feeling the cuteness vibe yet?  Sooo adorable, amirite?

I used a small offset spatula to gently lift the arms before wrapping over the fruit.  The arms are small and delicate so take care on this part.  You will want to make sure that the arms are gently but firmly wrapped or they will might straighten out when baked.  You can also just use one arm to hold the 'gift' and leave the other flat, then it will look like your gift bearing cookie is waving hello!

gift bearing,sugar cookies,cookies,cranberry,almond,cashew,recipe,holding cranberry,holding,christmas cookie, nut hugging

The last thing is to do is to give your cookies some eyes.  This is optional but dang it all, doesn't the huggy bunny look that much more cuter with eyes?  I made the eyes using my little girl's dotting tools.  These tools used to be for clay work, I believe, but nowadays it seems that it's mostly used for nail art, lol.  Oh how the world changes.  If you don't got one of these handy anything with a rounded point will do.

Your wee cookies go into the oven for a quick bake and, tada!, your Gift Bearing Huggy Bear Cookies are done and ready to bear their merry gifts to all and sundry!  Happy Holidays!

gift bearing,sugar cookies,cookies,cranberry,almond,cashew,recipe,holding cranberry,holding,christmas cookie, nut hugging
Gift Bearing Huggy Bear Cookie
(Makes 84 small cookies)
Prep time: 10 mins  Cook time: 7 mins



Allow butter to soften by leaving out for an hour.  Cream softened butter and sugar together.

Add egg and extract and mix.  Mix flour with baking powder and salt, then add, little by little to the wet mix until incorporated.  The dough should not stick.  If sticky add a bit more flour until just not sticky.  Allow dough to rest 5 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 400°F(204°C).

Lightly flour working surface and roll out the dough to 1/4" thickness.  Cut out cookie shapes and place onto parchment paper lined cookie sheets.  Place one cranberry onto each cookie in between the arms.  Use an offset spatula to gently lift and wrap the cookie arms around the cranberry.  Use dotting tool to press eyes into the cookies.

Bake at 400°F( 204°C) for 6-7 minutes.  Cookies are ready when the edges just touched with brown.  Allow to cool completely.  Gift bearing huggy cookies are ready!  Enjoy!

Storage:  Stored in a cool, air tight container, these cookies will be good for 2-3 weeks.



  1. So cute! I will have to wait for my Christmas sugar overdose to wear off before trying it, lol.

  2. Me too, total overload on the sugary xmas cookies, lol! But totally worth it!😝
