October 30, 2024

Fruit Juice Chia Seed Drink

fruit,recipe,chia seed,Fruit juice,drink,

Dear readers, this food story starts with one word: 'regular'.  As I'm sure y'all would know, being 'regular' sometimes can be an annoying problem.  So just add more fiber, amirite?  Easy peasy, amirite?  But what happens when one tries prunes, more veg, more fruit and more fibery food and the 'regular' problem still persists, what is one to do?

And all that jazz led us to this new drink we're making in our house these days because we discovered the amazingness of chia seeds!  Easy and quick to make, this Fruit Juice Chia Seed Drink is super yummilicious and super good for the 'regular' you!

October 20, 2024

Chicken Congee 生滾雞粥

chinese,生滾,chicken,Chicken Congee,雞粥,recipe,rice porridge,cantonese

Another classic congee dish: the comforting Chicken Congee 生滾雞粥, a creamy rice porridge infused through and through with yummilicious chickeny flavor and dotted with lusciously tender chicken pieces. 

Congee 粥 is a traditional Cantonese type of rice porridge, wherein the rice grains are cooked down until deliciously thick and creamy before being served with different meats and aromatics.  This congee is made with the 生滾 method, translated as "raw boiled" method.  Raw ingredients are cooked directly in the congee itself, allowing the flavors of the raw ingredients to permeate the congee.  

We've previously used this method with our fabulous Fish Congee 魚粥.  You'll find that it's an easy way to make a most yummilicious and comforting congee!

October 6, 2024

Chaoshan Raw Pickled Seafood 潮汕生腌海鲜


More traveling eats!  We’re still got more to talk about the absolutely marvelous food we had on our trip to Chaoshan 潮汕 area of Guangdong 廣東.  Oh dear readers, it was so fabulously food fulfilling!  It’s always so lovely to find yourself in a place where everything you eat is delicious, amirite!?

Pssst...check out our other traveling eats posts from this trip, Shantou Street Food 汕頭街頭美食 and Chaoshan Beef Hotpot 潮汕牛肉火鍋.

So this post is about the Chaoshan speciality, Raw Pickled Seafood 潮汕生腌海鲜.  Fresh, fresh seafood pickled in soy sauce, wine and aromatics is a rare delight.  It’s a straightforward process to make, requiring only soy sauce, aromatics, a touch of oil and a bit of time.  The only and important! trick to raw pickled seafood is that the seafood has to be super duper fresh.

We had heard about the famous Chaoshan raw pickled seafood of course.  Oh, how I had drooled away when watching the first season of Flavorful Origins documentary series featuring Chaoshan cuisine.  Omgoshdarnnitall!!  Pickled crabs!  Pickled shrimps!  Pickled every kind of shellfish!  So amazing the raw pickled seafood of Chaoshan!