I love making bread, there's nothing in this world as wonderful as the heavenly smell of baking bread emanating from your very own oven!
But the thing about making bread is, after all that toil and trouble, homemade bread is amazing when still warm, great when cooled, still yummy on the second day, but downhill from then on. It just gets stale so fast! I've tried different methods of keeping the bread, which help only a bit.
What I really want is to be able to make a bread and enjoy it for a good while, make sandwiches, have some toast, you know...just have a bit of bread about the house. Now, finally, I have found this amazing Milk Bread Tangzhong 湯種牛奶麵包 that not only lasts a good long while but is soft, fluffy and tender yet strong enough to use as a sandwich bread. Plus it's so easy to make and bake, it's become my favorite bread to make!