February 26, 2019

Corned Beef Egg Sandwich 蛋牛治

cha chaan teng, Corned Beef Egg Sandwich, Hong Kong Style, recipe, 茶餐廳, 蛋牛治, 香港式, cafe

Here's something fun and easy to make for a snack as well as being a classic menu selection at all Hong Kong style cafes, also known as cha chaan tengs 茶餐廳.  One of my personal favorite late afternoon snacks at the local cha chaan teng is one order of the Corned Beef Egg Sandwich 蛋牛治 along with a tall cool glass of Hong Kong Style Iced Lemon Tea 凍檸茶.  

Ah...nothing better to satisfy those late in the day stomach rumbles!   It's also super easy to make at home and I like it to do that so I can make my Corned Beef Egg Sandwich 蛋牛治 exactly the way that I like it best: soft bread enveloping tender flavorful beef and just scrambled lusciously soft and buttery eggs.  Yumm...

cha chaan teng, Corned Beef Egg Sandwich, Hong Kong Style, recipe, 茶餐廳, 蛋牛治, 香港式, cafe,

This sandwich uses corned beef, which is sold in cans.  Corned beef is beef that is brined and then cooked until tender and full of flavor.  To prepare for the sandwich just mash the amount you want to use, then gently heat in a pan, adding water until the beef is loose and soft yet still holding together.

cha chaan teng, Corned Beef Egg Sandwich, Hong Kong Style, recipe, 茶餐廳, 蛋牛治, 香港式, cafe,

The other half of the fillings are the eggs which I personally think are the keys to an excellent Corned Beef Egg Sandwich.  For best eggy flavor we've been loving japanese eggs recently.

It also really matters how you cook the eggs.  I love it best when both the eggs and the beef are soft and luscious when you bite into the sandwich.  To get eggs into soft flakes you have to really watch the pan and remove the eggs as soon as they are cooked to tender perfection.  Or actually even just a bit before, as the eggs will continue setting even off the heat.  

cha chaan teng, Corned Beef Egg Sandwich, Hong Kong Style, recipe, 茶餐廳, 蛋牛治, 香港式, cafe,

Okay, so you've got your two fillings prepared to warm soft perfection.  The only other thing needed to make this Corned Beef Egg Sandwich just like the ones you can order in the Hong Kong style cha chaan teng cafes is to use soft white bread.  Which is just regular white bread slices.

Soft bread, soft luscious scrambled eggs, tender corned beef.  Slap it all together and you've got yourself a perfect version of my personal favorite cha chaan teng sandwich, the Corned Beef Egg Sandwich 蛋牛治.  

And while you're making this HK style snack for yourself, why not go all out and make a tall cool glass of Hong Kong Style Iced Lemon Tea 凍檸茶 to go with it!  Enjoy your afternoon snack!

cha chaan teng, Corned Beef Egg Sandwich, Hong Kong Style, recipe, 茶餐廳, 蛋牛治, 香港式, cafe,
Corned Beef Egg Sandwich Recipe
(makes 2 sandwiches)  Prep time: 5 mins Cooking time: 5 mins


  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 6 oz corned beef, 170g
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp cream
  • 4 slices white bread


With a fork, mash the corned beef in a bowl.  Add 1 tbsp butter to skillet over medium heat.  When butter bubbles add corned beef, stir a bit, then add water 1 tbsp at a time until the beef is completely mashed and heated through, loose and soft.  Remove to a dish.

Stir eggs, salt and cream in mixing bowl.  Heat 1 tbsp butter in skillet over medium heat.  When butter bubbles up add the eggs.  Using a spatula stir the egg as it sets on the bottom, moving set egg to one side and tilting pan and stirring to allow uncooked egg to reach the heat.  When the egg is still slightly runny remove immediately from pan.  The egg will continue to set for a bit.  

Spread a bit of butter on the bread slices.  Add corned beef in an even layer on 2 slices of bread and then add scrambled egg in an even layer on top.  Top with last two slices of bread.  Cut sandwiches at a diagonal and serve warm and delicious!



  1. I love your recipes so thank you! This dish looks exactly like whatI need, I'll be cooking this one asap. My stomach is grumbling already!

    1. Hi Peter - wonderful, always pleased to help make a stomach happy! ~ellen

  2. Amazing!! I love this dish. Just stumbled upon your site and love this resource as a Chinese American in search of traditional recipes to learn and pass down. Thanks for your work :)

    1. Glad that you liked it! It's wonderful that so many people are still loving the traditional recipes ~ ellen

  3. I grew up with slightly different version. Make French toast with bread and egg and then sandwich the corned beef in between. Drizzle some light syrup. Great website. It’s like going down memory lane.

    1. Wow that sounds delish...can't wait to try it out! ~ellen

  4. Are you and this blog related? The ending paragraph is exactly the same. Assuming yours is written earlier, isn't this other blog plagiarising your work? https://www.leplaincanvas.com/2021/01/corned-beef-egg-sandwich-%E8%9B%8B%E7%89%9B%E6%B2%BB/

  5. Hi LC - wow weird that they just completely stole my ending paragraph! Completely not related at all. Thanks for letting me know ~ellen
