April 25, 2015

Fresh Bamboo Shoots - How to Prepare 準備新鮮冬筍

bamboo shoots, boil, fresh, how to, prepare, 新鮮, 準備, 筍, vegetable, vegetarian

I grew up thinking food only came from supermarkets and so am forever grateful that I have had the chance to discover and experience the wet markets of Hong Kong where anything and everything culinary can be found for your eating pleasure.  

There's nothing quite like the subtle thrill inside as you wander through the bustling real food markets on your daily round, keeping the corner of your eye on the lookout for whatever food treasures that day will bring.  

I was so excited with my latest discovery that we found in a humble dirt sprinkled box, these strange horn shaped plants? vegetables? that turned out to be Fresh Bamboo Shoots!  Woo-hoo!  I've always wanted to try fresh bamboo shoots!  It turns out that these fresh bamboo shoots are not only easy to prepare but much more delicious than the canned bamboo shoots that we usually use.  (But of course it is!)

April 17, 2015

Indian Chapatis Rotis

Indian, Chapatis, Rotis, flat bread, recipe,  bread, 印度, 扁面包

I looove Indian breads!  I always make my 老公 annoyed when we go to an Indian restaurant because, in the end, all I really want to eat is the amazing bread!  Hey, I can't help it if the darn bread is so yummilicious, amiright?!  

To go along with our home cooked mini Indian feast which so far has included the delightful Spicy Indian Potato Cauliflower Aloo Gobi and the meatilicious Indian Spicy Baked Chicken  Masaledar Murghi, I decided to make homemade Indian Chapatis Rotis.  I can't tell you how much fun we had at our Indian feast, each of us eating our fresh warm chewy (homemade!) chapatis wrapped around choice tidbits of tender tasty curried meats and veggies!  Plus it's easy to make these delicious flat breads!

April 15, 2015

Spicy Indian Baked Chicken Masaledar Murghi

Indian, Spicy, Baked, Chicken,  Masaledar Murghi,  印度, 烤雞, recipe, tandoori, indian spices

Something easy and super tasty for dinner, right, that's what everyone wants?  This is the second post about our adventures into real Indian cuisine, about our mini Indian feast that we indulged in starting with the vegetarian dish Spicy Indian Potato Cauliflower Aloo Gobi that we wrote about the other day.  

To go with these delicious dry curry vegetable dish we made this super easy Indian Spicy Baked Chicken Masaledar Murghi, a tender, fragrant, super spiced up meat dish.

April 13, 2015

Spicy Indian Potato Cauliflower Aloo Gobi

Spicy, Indian, Potato, Cauliflower, Aloo Gobi, dry curry, vegetarian, curry, vegetable,  印式干, 咖喱, 土豆, 烩, 花椰菜, recipe

Every once in a while we like to dip into far away cuisines for a taste of the exotic, to travel by dint of our tastebuds.  It's so much fun to treat yourself to a completely different world of textures, tastes and aromas!  

One of the old cuisines that I find really interesting (besides Chinese cuisine, of course)  is Indian cuisine.  What a spectacular, varied and long lived food culture!  

Recently we had a serious craving for Indian food and thus whipped up a mini Indian feast for ourselves.  Gorgeously spice infused vegetarian and meat dishes paired against a tart and refreshing cucumber yogurt dish, all of this eaten with deliciously fresh handmade chapatis.  This is the yummilicious vegetarian dish we made, the Spicy Indian Potato Cauliflower, also known as Aloo Gobi.

April 2, 2015

Natural Easter Egg Dyes

Natural dye, Easter Egg, Dye,  天然, 染料, 復活節, 彩蛋, recipe, instruction,  food dye, beets, tumeric

Winter fades and Spring is here!  And Easter is coming up!  Easter bunnies and creamy chocolates and Easter eggs!  This year we made some gorgeous (we think!) natural dye easter eggs for my little girl to take to her class to share with her schoolmates.   

It takes a bit of time to make these natural dye easter eggs but it's an easy, fun project to do together with your kid or just for kicks.  And healthier cuz you're just using natural food dyes to color the eggs.  How cool is that!