I think we have been going a bit pickle crazy recently. But how can you resist the urge to pickle? Once you get started and see for yourself how easy and delightfully yummy your own homemade pickles are? We have made Chinese Pickles 酸瓜 and Chinese Hua Gua Pickles 花瓜 and they are sitting pretty in our little fridge. Homemade jars of pickle are so gorgeous! I like to take them out just to admire them.
The other day I happened upon some cherry radishes lying around and I made this easy Chinese Pickled Radish 醃櫻桃蘿蔔. Now we also have a beautiful jar of pickled radish in the fridge that we can dip into any time for a tart, crunchy, slightly spicy snack. And it's a PINK PICKLE! How cool is that?! My little girl definitely thinks it's super cool.