October 19, 2015

Chocolate Ganache

chocolate, chocolate ganache, filling, ganache, Macaron, macaroon, recipe, 巧克力伽納徹

I don't know about you dear reader, but I love me my chocolate.  And if at all possible I like to have chocolate...with chocolate!  So these little Chocolate Ganache filled Chocolate Macarons are a great favorite of mine (see our recipe for Chocolate Macarons here).  This creamy, soft yet solid ganache filling is super yummiliciously chocolately and a great filling for macarons.  

Try this super duper simple to make Chocolate Ganache that dries to a perfect semi solid state, creamy when you bite into the macaron, but solid enough to keep its lovely round edged shape.

Chocolate Ganache, recipe, chocolate, ganache, macaron, macaroon, filling,  巧克力伽納徹

Chocolate ganache only requires two ingredients:  chocolate and cream.  That said, it should be obvious that the quality of your chocolate is very important to the taste!  I used a 70% cocoa content chocolate bar which is perfect for me, sweet but not cloyingly so.  Did I say that I loved chocolate?!

As I said, it's so super simple to make chocolate ganache.  Chop your chocolate into small chunks.  Heat cream just to a boil.  Then remove from heat and drop your chocolate chunks in and stir until completely melted.  Cool, then chill til the right consistency.  And...your chocolate ganache is done!  How simple is that?! 

Chocolate Ganache, recipe, chocolate, ganache, macaron, macaroon, filling,  巧克力伽納徹

Then, of course, you will need to add it to your lovely macarons.  Once your ganache is pipable, fill your silicone piping bag and pipe little mounds on half of your little macarons.  Then top the piped ganache with another macaron and press down evenly until the rounded edges of the ganache almost reach the edges of the macaron.  

And that's it!  You've finished your lovely, dainty Chocolate Macarons filled with Chocolate Ganache!  Wait until the next day for best eating results as the chocolate ganache will soften the macaron to perfection.

Chocolate Ganache, recipe, chocolate, ganache, macaron, macaroon, filling,  巧克力伽納徹
See how shiny the ganache looks after mixing!

While I am using the Chocolate Ganache here for piping fillings for the macaron, this ganache is a very flexible kinda of thing that can be used for icing or glazing  (I really want to try mirror glazing a cake!), frosting a cake, piping or even rolling into lovely little truffles.  

With the same two ingredients of chocolate and cream you just need to adjust the consistency of the mixture to suit your needs.  For thinner, pourable ganache add more cream and use when warm.  For thicker ganache, add more chocolate* and cool to right consistency.  Check out a great guide to these ganache differences here.

*Tip: When melting more chocolate into your ganache use a double boiler, or a stainless steel/glass bowl over a pot of simmering water (bowl not touching the water).  

Chocolate Ganache, recipe, chocolate, ganache, macaron, macaroon, filling,  巧克力伽納徹
Chocolate Ganache Recipe
Prep time:  2 mins   Cook time: 2 mins


  • 2/3 cup double or whipping cream (150g)
  • 7 oz 70% cocoa chocolate (200g)


Break chocolate into small pieces.  Bring cream to a boil in small pan.  Immediately remove pan from the heat and add in all the chocolate.  Immediately stir constantly until all the chocolate is melted and mixture is shiny and smooth.

Let cool to room temperature.  As the ganache cools it will become more and more thick.  If cooled to room temperature ganache is pipeable then pipe away.  If not then cover ganache and chill briefly in the fridge until it reaches a pipeable consistency.  

Tip: Don't over chill ganache or it will become to hard to pipe.  The ganache should be thick and creamy.  But if you do forget and over chill the ganache just let it warm up again at room temperature until you've got the consistency that you want.

To Fill the Macarons:  Fill piping bag (with 1/2" piping tip) with ganache and pipe approx. 1 tsp or so onto half of your macarons.  Top each ganached macaron with a plain macaron and press down evenly until the ganache just reaches the edge of the cookie.

If you don't want to go to the bother of a piping bag you could just carefully spoon drop the ganache onto the macarons.

Tip:  Store your chocolate ganache filled macarons in an air tight cookie tin at room temperature for up to a week.  If they last that long, that is!



  1. Wow, it´s really cool here!
    I just stumbled over your blog when I tried to find recipes typical from Hongkong.
    We want to adopt from HK and it´s good to be prepared.
    So many ideas. Thanks!!
    Well, I need to go shopping.
    Thanks!! Babsi

    1. Hi Babsi - Nice to hear from you and so glad you like our little blog! Good luck on your adoption! ~ ellen
