Making your own bread is one of those things where the pursuit of it can easily become an obsession. As for myself, I wouldn't admit that I'm obsessed with making bread but rather that the idea of making your own bread will obsess me at times.
Months, even years, will pass, I will solemnly forswear the laborious and not usually very rewarding effort of making bread and then suddenly, boom, it will creep back into my mind, this idyllic vision of a happy house wrapped in the warm wondrous aroma of baking bread that I have made with my own hands. And suddenly I am in the kitchen again, covered from head to toe in white flour with a happy grin on my face.
I love making bread, it's really fun in a weird, self torturing way, it's just too bad that my bread usually comes out pretty inedible, actually sometimes as hard as a rock. But hey, it's definitely useful as a weapon, that's for sure, especially if I've tried to make baguettes shapes. 'Don't make me angry! You won't like me when I'm angry!'
My very latest round of experiments in bread making is with the famous No Knead Bread recipe in Jim Lahey's book
which I finally got around to trying after hearing about it for the longest time. What an interesting recipe! No kneading at all, just a little yeast and a long long fermentation time.